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BMW 1 Series Sedan is a CLA fighter only for China

Photo credit: BMW
Mercedes-Benz and Audi have made solid in-roads with small, entry-level sedans. But while the CLA-Class and A3 lure in a new group of consumers, BMW's most affordable vehicles in the US are the small X1 crossover and the 2 Series Coupe. And it's going to stay that way, even though BMW just introduced a new 1 Series Sedan in China.

Previewed at the 2015 Guangzhou Motor Show by the Concept Compact Sedan, the four-door 1 Series is a handsome little thing, like a scaled-down 5 Series but with better proportions. But unlike the 5er, the new 1 Series is, unfortunately, front-wheel-drive Read more at: http://www.autoblog.com...

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